Early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): Pathology and comparison

Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital
Dr. Shun-ichi Ariizumi

DATE : 2009

Small-nodular HCC with indistinct margins (early-stage HCC)

HCC in posterior segment

Abdominal CT findings

The tumor in the posterior segment (S6) was shown as a minor, low-absorption region in the equilibrium phase of contrast computed tomography (CT).

EOB-MRI findings

A minor, low-signal region was present before contrast, but in the dynamic study it was shown with a signal approximately equal to that in the circumferential liver, and was indistinct.

However, it was recognized as a distinct, low-signal region 1 cm in diameter in the hepatobiliary phase.

Simple CT

Simple CT

Contrast CT arterial phase

Contrast CT arterial phase

Contrast CT equilibrium phase

Contrast CT equilibrium phase

Abdominal CT findings



EOB-MRI findings

20 s after administration

20 s after administration

60 s after administration

60 s after administration

120 s after administration

120 s after administration

Hepatobiliary phase

Hepatobiliary phase

EOB-MRI findings


The S6 tumor was not clearly shown even by intraoperative ultrasonography, but part of it underwent colorization when an indocyanine green (ICG), infra-red camera system (Photo Dynamic Eye [PDE]) was used, and that part was excised.

Macroscopic observation of resection samples

The S6 tumor was of a small-nodular type, with indistinct margins, and was a yellow-brown region with coloration differing only slightly from the non-cancerous hepatic tissue.

Histopathology findings

(i) Loupe image of a hematoxylin-eosin-stained specimen of the indistinct-margin nodule, at the left cut surface where macroscopic findings were made. A region was shown in which the existence or otherwise of the portal region below the hepatic capsule was unclear. “a” indicates the portal region in the marginal part of early-stage HCC. (ii) The upper, left part is early-stage HCC, the lower, right part is non-cancerous hepatic tissue, and between those is the portal region. (iii) Observation with Victoria blue staining clearly showed portal region infiltration (arrow).

ICG infra-red camera system

ICG infra-red camera system

Findings with macroscopic observation

Findings with macroscopic observation

(i) Histopathology findings


(ii) Magnification of “a”

(ii) Magnification of “a”

(iii) Magnification of “a” (stained with Victoria blue)

(iii) Magnification of “a” (stained with Victoria blue)

Histopathology findings

  • *The case introduced is just one clinical case, so the results are not the same as for all cases.
  • *Please refer to the Package Insert for the effects and indications, dosage and administration method, and warnings, contraindications, and other precautions with use.